Whatever the outcome, the show must go on as Trump will strike out at his enemies (the American people) no matter what. But we’re here to share the music with you as we do each Thursday morning on KOWS Community Radio. This morning, we celebrate Gram Parsons’ day of birth as he would have turned 74 on this date. Vintage sounds in remembrance including tracks from The Byrds, Emmylou Harris, The Mavericks, and Steve Earle line the coils this morning with the some fine new tracks to brighten the day. It’s a November morning in the year 2020 and we’ve got some powerful new sounds from Sierra Ferrell, Becky Warren, Tre Burt, and The Artisinals to share; all being queued up each morning on the Americana Hours between 5am and 7am on KOWS Community Radio. Break out the coffee and scones and tune in.