The past century’s puritanical interlopers, better known as the ‘thought police’, have had their way with music. And we’re not talking about just the lyrics (which will no doubt be the source of most of the songs in the show today)…whether that be the sound of the saxophone or Link Wray’s sinister fuzz and feedback…telling us how to think or suggesting that your children would be swayed to the dark side due a mention of Susie getting home past curfew. It’s an age old problem. It’s really stinkin’ thinkin’ if you’d have asked Frank Zappa. And someone did and summarized his opinions thusly: “Bad facts make bad law, and people who write bad laws are, in my opinion, more dangerous than songwriters who celebrate their sexuality.” All the songs this week suffered from some form of censorship, whether corporate or governmental. And we’re going to play them…damned be the fools.